The Knight’s Map by R.C. Sproul

kni01bh_200x1000The Knight’s Map, by R.C. Sproul, is a children’s story that shows the value of the Bible. It is an allegory for children with the intent of building a desire to see God’s Word as a map for their lives. The wording and images are perfect for children making it easy to relay the message of the how important the Bible is.

I found myself enjoying the story and can see it as a book to read to my children over and over. I suggest that parents get a copy of this book and read it to their children. Make it a habit of reading it often and parents may find their desire for God’s Word increasing along with their children.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

The Historical Reliability of the New Testament by Craig L Blomberg

blombergChallenges to the Christian faith have been given to Christianity in an attempt to discredit it.  This may potentially shake the foundation of someone’s belief and a key place to attack is the Bible. By drawing into question if the Bible is accurate, a person could potentially cause a Christian to second-guess whether or not the Bible they hold in their hands is true.

Craig Blomberg, a distinguished professor of New Testament at Denver Seminary, has written a wonderful resource on the New Testament titled The Historical Reliability of the New Testament. Professor Blomberg addresses the historicity, dating, context, and authenticity of the New Testament. He does so the reader can understand the nature by which the New Testament came about and also some of the challenges that are brought to attempt to destroy the Scriptures.

I really appreciated the attention to detail with special note on the Gospels. Professor Blomberg has given ample evidence for the authenticity of the New Testament thus giving Christians comfort knowing their Bible is truth.

The book does not go into a lot of scholarly works but does notate various scholarly resources to support the information being presented. Professor Blomberg also does well to use language that is easy to understand but does not detract from the depth of research he has done.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Voices From the Past: Volume 2, edited by Richard Rushing

voices-from-the-past-volume-2-203x320Voices From the Past: Volume 2 is a collection of Puritan devotional readings that were put together in such a way to create a daily devotional. I found in each of the readings depth and richness of the thoughts that were put together.

It seems that as I read each day there is nothing that I do not gain from each of these readings. I am being challenged in my Christian faith, in my duties as a husband and father, as well as my responses and reactions toward my fellow man.

Having read Voices From the Past: Volume 1, I was  anxious to go through Volume 2 and would recommend that both be used in a devotional setting. Perhaps reading one in the morning and the other in the evening.

For those who are looking for a devotional that is easy to read and more inspirationalI would look elsewhere. For those who are looking for something that will challenge to the core of their Christian faith and be shaken in their understanding and devotion to Christ then I recommend that you get these devotionals.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Tozer for the Christian Leader (Compiled by Ron Eggert)

9781600667930Christian leaders are at the vanguard of movements. They are looked up to by their followers. They set the pace at which people grow, learn; mature. However, the leader who does not learn and grow will be a leader that will, at some point, fail those being led.

In the book, Tozer for the Christian Leader, works of A.W. Tozer have been compiled to challenge leaders to remember the source of their strength and wisdom: God. Each day is set to remind a leader of the vitality that comes from God and His Word. To ignore God is to set in motion a leader’s own downfall. Thus, this devotional is an excellent resource to remind leaders of why they lead and who leads them.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


Remember & Return by Dr. John MacArthur

9780801019319Life can often be busy. In this busyness, there can be a drifting away from Christ. This drifting may result in a waning of love for Jesus. Spending time with Christ becomes less of a priority. If left unchecked, a Christian may one day have a moment “How did this happen?”.

Dr. John MacArthur has written a small devotional with the intent of causing Christians to rekindle their love for Christ. This 31-day devotional reflects on who Jesus is, what He has done for humanity, what our response to Him should be, and how to rekindle a love for Christ. Each day ends in a daily challenge to reinforce what was read.

I found this devotional to be powerful in its simplicity. It is also a great devotional to read during the Easter and Christmas seasons and I encourage my readers to look into getting a copy for themselves and even copies to give out to others.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Truth for All Time by John Calvin

truthforalltime-210x312John Calvin has been regarded by some as one of the greatest theologians of all time. His approach to Scripture has produced some excellent works that are challenging, Biblical, and thought provoking.

In the book, Truth for All Time, Calvin gives the foundational truths of Scripture so that anyone can understand the key tenets of the faith and why each is necessary. Calvin discusses faith, salvation, the Law, the sacraments, and prayer to name a few. Each section has Scriptural foundation and Calvin’s thoughts on the matter for a well articulated understanding of each tenet discussed.

I really appreciate this little book and the information contained therein. To reach such a breadth of knowledge and wisdom about such key areas of Christianity does my heart and mind well. This book should be read by as can read it for the gold that lies within the pages should enrichen many a soul of Christ’s.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Visioneering (Updated) by Andy Stanley

visioneeringDo you have a plan for your life? Many do not and that should give cause for concern. If a person has no idea where they are going in life they will most likely become a drifter. However, that can change with a personal vision.

Andy Stanley, is his book Visioneering, has developed a guide for the discovery of, and the maintaining of, your personal vision. Stanley goes through the key areas of developing a vision and maintaining one and then has some action items. The action items are to allow the reader to formulate a personal vision or to maintain one that has already been developed so that it remains strong but adaptable as needed.

I really enjoyed this book and the use of Nehemiah as an example of someone who used his personal vision to change a nation. The study guide in the back of the book is also a nice resource for those that want to do a group challenge in the area of personal vision.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


A Minute of Vision for Men by Roger Patterson

978-1-4964-1777-0“Those who fail to plan plan to fail.”

One of the ways in which a man can be very susceptible to failing is by not having a vision. Sometimes this happens due to changes that need to be addressed and sometimes it happens because a man is not intentional about having a vision.

In his book, A Minute of Vision for Men, Roger Patterson gives one minute motivational readings for each day of the month to help men find motivation. Making sure that they are staying within a vision for their lives is vital and each reading helps keep a man on focused.

For example, it is presently the month of December as I write this and the focus on the motivational readings is the Christmas narrative. Patterson’s goal is to get a man to think properly about Christmas and not be caught up in the commercialism and the angst of trying to get to places and parties and events, etc. Rather, he wants me to focus on the fact that God became man and enjoy and remember who the holiday season is about rather than what some have made it.

I found the motivational readings for each day to be challenging but not so heavy as to be forgotten due to a level of reflection that is required. However, I also feel this could be a danger as it may allow some men to read it and think they’re okay and not take time to reflect deeper.

With that said, this would work really well with a Bible reading for a more in-depth devotional as a supplement to that and would, in my opinion, greatly help a man make sure his vision is proper and that being to focus on God and not on other circumstances.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Growing Young by Powell, Mulder, and Griffin

9780801019258There seems to be an increasing departure of individuals under the age of 30 leaving the church. Why is this? In the book Growing Young the authors give the reasoning they believe this is occurring. They are noticing a trend in a lot of churches to downplay young people as immature and unready to handle responsibilities. While this may be true of some this does not mean that it is true of all.

For example, the authors point out is that there needs to be a handing over of responsibilities to younger people who have a desire to help the church. With mentoring,  young people can become more influential people and, in the process, gain the maturation they need.

I really appreciate this book because I myself am experiencing this with our church. Our church  has a high number of people under the age of 30 who either do not attend that once did or who were attenders and then as they grew older. What are the comments on this?

Allow the influence of younger people via their energy and passion but keep it guided by the maturity of the senior leadership. By doing this, things can get accomplished by the vitality of the younger generation and mistakes may be avoided by the wisdom of the older generation.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

The Bad Habits of Jesus by Leonard Sweet

978-1-4964-1751-0Did Jesus have bad habits? That is the question that is asked on the back of the book written by Leonard Sweet titled The Bad Habits of Jesus.There is a movement that tries to soften Jesus and make him out to be a more palatable person to a politically correct society.

Sweet argues that Jesus was by no means soft. He says that there are times that Jesus did things that seem to go against culture particularly the culture of Jesus’s day. One such thing that he brings out is that Jesus offended people especially those in high places like religious leaders. There is a cultural more where people do not try to offend anyone as offending someone seems to be rude and insensitive.

Jesus, on the other seems to attack and point out the flaws of individuals and seems to give no regard to feelings of those who feel that they have a justification for their beliefs. Jesus wants people to get to know truth; the truth that comes from a relationship with God. “Jesus treated outsiders like they were important people and important people like they were outsiders.”

I found this book to be an interesting book. There is a nice discussion guide in the back to get some thoughts out there about the material. I don’t know that this would be something I personally would use but then again I bet if I read it a second time or perhaps even a third time I might change my mind. If nothing else, it would be open dialogues about how people see Jesus and may correct errors or strengthen positions.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review